The designer, actor, producer, director, creator, owner, and overall mogul Diddy came up with a word that was made up out of the blue, BITCHASSNESS. When people heard this newly created word it was on his Making The Band Show on MTV. He was referring to one of the members of the male group, Robert. His members felt Robert wanted to lead all the songs like he was a solo singer. Diddy felt Robert had some BITCHASSNESS in him. That's where it all began or did it?
There have been so many definitions and interpretations of this word. BITCHASSNESS is when you are selfish, jealous, don't take care of your responsibilities, you use people, you have negative energy, racism, envy, cause unnecessary arguments, you're not caring, you look down on others, you don't have a job, you're a liar, a cheat, you don't take care of your kids etc....This is just a taste of what BITCHASSNESS is and could be. It is like an epidemic that's running wild in your community. You better be careful not to catch it. You should sanitize your whole damn body. What are your feelings about BITCHASSNESS? Do you think that this is inate or you grow to develop it due to your environment or circumstances in your life. I'm curious to know what YOU think BITCHASSNESS is. Are you willing to share your experience about this disease or if you have it yourself? Be honest. I won't tell.
People just have to learn to adjust to others. Anyway if no one's getting hurt shut the flim flam up and give up the space which you seem to be taking up by just bitching about someone elses bitching. So what does that make you? If some has their tude on, that means someone has pissed their grove. Get out the way... get out the way.... move bitch...sounds like the correct move to make. Ready4Dworld RAN!